An Introduction to Epidermal Growth Factor
These days, it seems that pretty much everyone is pursuing the latest and most promising anti-aging products and therapies, from filler injections to major surgery. However, you can also put your own body’s natural processes to work on the problem — with a little help from a naturally-occurring substance called epidermal growth factor, or EGF.
What EGF Does for the Body
Epidermal growth factor belongs to the larger family of naturally-occurring growth factors produced by the human body. These proteins, also known as cytokines, serve as chemical messengers, influencing cell growth and repair while also regulating the body’s responses to inflammation and pain. The body manufactures many different kinds of cytokines, including lymphokines, monokines, chemokines, and interleukines. EGF focuses on triggering and supporting healthy levels of epidermal skin cell reproduction, affecting cellular growth and behavior by binding to receptors on the cells’ surfaces.
The Key to Younger-Looking Skin?
Until someone invents a way to go back in time, EGF may offer the next-best way to rejuvenate your skin at the cellular level. That’s because topical products containing EGF can help you produce more collagen and elastin, the proteins so essential for giving skin its flexibility, tightness, and springiness. It does this by stimulating the specialized cells (known as fibroblasts) that normally make these proteins. In other words, it gives your skin more of what it needs to become (or remain) firm and youthful looking, instead of wrinkling and sagging, by helping your skin maintain its structural integrity. Regular use of an EGF product can therefore help you banish bags under your eyes, fine lines, and other signs of age.
EGF has other virtues as well. For instance, tts ability to help regulate inflammation and other process can reduce annoying cosmetic issues such as facial redness (a common problem among rosacea sufferers), hyperpigmentation (the result of too much melanin in a particular area of skin), and enlarged pores related sun damage or acne.
How Did EGF as a Skin Treatment Come About?
While we’ve already noted that EGF has always played a role in skin health and elasticity through its natural production by the body, the use of EGF as a skin treatment only got its start in 1986, when EGF’s role in these processes was first identified. A three-month study of women ages 29 to 75 found that EGF can reduce wrinkles, redness, and the effects of sun damage on the skin. Since then, an increasing number of skin care companies have made a point of including EGF and various cytokines in their topical creams and lotions. Some clinics also apply these products in office procedures that include special devices that infuse the EGF right into the skin.
Originally, EGF products always derived their epidermal growth factor from human skin cells. However, today’s world of EGF products often make use of plant-based EGF, which works just as effectively to renew and repair the skin.
Ready to Discover EGF’s Benefits for Yourself?
If you would like to experience EGF’s skin tightening power first hand, check out EGF Rapid Repair Complex, available for direct online purchase at ABI Dermaceuticals. This amazing product stimulates production of three different kinds of collagen. It also contains hyaluronic acid, a substance that helps the skin retain moisture, as well as anti-aging peptides. This potent combination of active ingredients can help you enjoy more a more youthful look in just 90 days. Try it and see for yourself!
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